Book Discussion: Miss Happiness & Miss Flower

Over on Hitty Girls we are starting a book discussion, activities, crafts and challenges and it all sounds like a lot of fun indeed.  Us Hitty girls at Rose Cottage are excited about taking part. 

The first chapter we will be discussing is:

1. "They were two little Japanese dolls..."

The first craft for this week is to create a kimono and although we have made kimonos before, we of course want two especially for this fun activity! Done

The other craft is to make a Star Festival tree, so we are going to be busy indeed and of course we have to introduce our Miss Happiness and Miss Flower in a photo challenge. Done

Now there was much discussion over whether to make our own Miss Happiness and Miss Flower, or for two of us girls to act the parts.  At the moment we have chosen to act the parts.

We enrol the help of Hitty Ethel our seamstress.  She selects some fabric that might be suitable.  Not Japanese unfortunately, but funds are limited and we are trying to make do with what we have in the fabric stash.

Of course we need a blue kimono and a red kimono like Miss Happiness and Miss Flower have in the book.

Hitty Joyful, is going to play the part of Miss Happiness (naturally as she of course is full of joy) and as such Hitty Ethel shows her some suitable fabrics.

This one?

Or this one?

Hitty Joyful thinks this one looks quite like a Japanese type print.

Of course once the Kimonos are made will do our official photo.


It looks like Hitty Ethel must have worked through the night!

Our photo Challenge:  Introducing Miss Happiness and Miss Flower. 

Now although in the book it seems that the Star Festival - Tanabata which means 'Evening of the Seventh'  is celebrated at Christmas, in reality it is usually held on the 7th day of the seventh lunar month of the lunisolar calendar.  However most festivities begin on July 7th of the Gregorian calendar.  

Miss Happiness and Miss Flower decorate their version of a Star Festival Tree.


2.  "At last Mother spoke to her seriously..."

Crafts for this week are:

To make a Japanese Bound Book
Make (silk) cushions Done

Photo Challenge:  Nona opening the package with the two dolls. Done

Nona (played by Peggy Sue) opening the package.


3. "It was a week later..."

Crafts for this week are to Create the books that Nona uses for her research. Done

Photo Challenge:  Visit the Book Shop Done

More photos can be seen on this post here of the girls visit to the book shop.


4. "Miss Flower could not help being anxious..."

Crafts:  Create A Haiku Done

Photo Challenge:  In Tom's Workshop Done

Tom (played by Henry), Nona (played by Peggy Sue) with 'Miss Happiness & Miss Flower' (played by Hitty Joyful & Hitty Patience.


5.  "I can't go," said Nona." 
(mid-chapter break)

Crafts:  Create a Japanese Scroll Done
Create a Japanese Screen Done

Miss Happiness and Miss Flower hang their Japanese Scroll

The girls now have a Japanese Screen which they are rather pleased with.

Photo Challenge:  A Japanese Flower Arrangement. Done


6.  "Nona was still not very happy..."

Crafts: Create a Cupboard with sliding doors  Done

Create a Japanese table. 

Photo Challenge: Show off your Japanese Table with your previously made silk cushions.


7. "Then, at the beginning of the holidays, it was Easter."
(mid-chapter break)

Crafts: Japanese style quilt
Create Bead Flowers
Photo Challenge:  Create a Japanese Garden


8.  "The dolls were to have a feast too..."

Crafts:  Re-create the Dolls Feast - rice, bamboo shoots, sugar cakes and tea. Done

Create a pleated fan Done

Photo Challenge:  Show Miss Flower being returned by Belinda.

Peggy Sue is 'Nona', Edith is 'Belinda' & Miss Flower is played by Hitty Patience.


9.  "It was a very strange thing..."
Crafts:  Re-create Nona's letter to Great Aunt Lucy

Photo Challenge:  Show the arrival of Little Peach

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