Saturday, 9 February 2019

A Tiny Rag Doll Sew Along

On 'Knitty Hittys' a group I am on this month there is a 'Tiny Rag Doll Sew Along' which I thought would be fun to join in as I had made one only last month (can be read about by clicking here )  Initially I thought I would make up a kit to take with me, but in full procrastination mode, with regards to what I SHOULD be doing, I of course wanted to start one straight away.  This time I wanted to try making a boy.  This proved much harder than I had anticipated - it is NOT easy at all.  It is all to do with the faces and hair, that makes all the difference!

This time I made a cardboard template of the bodies and legs and traced round it onto the fabric.  I then sewed along those lines BEFORE cutting out.  This made it much easier to sew and neater. 

Once sewn up the pieces were turned inside out.

Then stuffed and sewn up.

Shoes were the next to be made and I chose some brown felt for his shoes.

I then practised drawing some faces - definitely not my talent!

Eventually I came up with something I thought I'd like to try.

I also sewed on the hair which was felting wool.

Clothes came next.  I sewed a pair of trousers out of checked fabric and the shirt out of felt and added tiny buttons

Trouble is 'he' looks like a she!

So I tried a pair of dungarees next.  Nope still looks like a girl.

Back to the original clothes...

I added a belt (made out of a rubber band and sewn to hold. It was all I had to hand) and a 'kerchief'.

Still didn't look quite right.

I turned back the top of the jacket to make lapels and I added a beret.

Boy?  Still not convinced and for some reason 'Mavis' just came to mind while I was making this doll despite all the permutations I I think 'Mavis' is in the French Resistance disguised as a boy and goes by the name Maurice (although some have said RenĂ© would be perfect!)  

So then of course me being me and suffering from COTDM - Compulsive Obsessive Tiny Doll Making Disorder, had to try again at making a boy!

Again I traced round the pieces, sewed round them and cut them out, turned inside out and started stuffing.

Arms sewn on first.

Then legs at the front and then I stuff before sewing up the back.

One blank template.

I drew some more faces - as you can see there is no end to my talent!  Ha ha!

Nope, didn't like this at all - I thought if I made the nose more neutral it would work but it most certainly didn't.

Prefer this nose more and I added some eyebrows.  This time I used a browner red for the lips.

This hair was my third attempt.  The first I tried sewing embroidery floss for hair, but ended up taking it all out. The second I tried wool, that didn't work either.  I didn't want to use felting wool this time, so tried felt instead.  I was pleased with the result - not quite as boy looking as I would like but closer.

Next I had to make the clothes.  I thought I would knit a sweater for him to wear either over or under the dungarees.

I quite like this look.

I sewed the shoes on last!

I think he looks much more like a boy and is going to be for Henry so I haven't named him yet - I will leave that up to Henry ;)

The two together.

I am still going to make up some packs to take with me so I can make some while in NZ as they are fun to just sit and do when wanting to relax, or if have nothing else to do.


  1. This is such an excellent post, Lorraine! I loved reading it. I love that the new boy is going to be Henry's doll. I'm looking forward to seeing them together.

  2. What a wonderful Tutorial, Lorraine. And your tiny boys are so handsome. What a lot of hard work. Thank you so much.

  3. They are both sweet, and I like the idea of Mavis disguised as Maurice. Good plan to take kits with you...and I am sure Henry will like his little guy!

  4. You are so talented! I like both of the dolls. I like the clothing you made for them.

  5. Hi Lorraine. I just found this article, it’s great. Thank you for sharing.. I love the dolls and the guided tutorial.
    Maybe one day I will have. Go at such sweeties...

  6. Hi Lorraine
    Thank you for the tutorial . I loved it and the sweet little dolls. Maybe I will have a go one day at creating such sweeties....

  7. Missing home and the sound of my mom's rings clacking against her embroidery hoop, but meanwhile this guide has been so lovely to follow along to in my dorm room. Thanks for openly describing your process and not shying away from trying the same thing multiple ways, I'm really enjoying making these little lads and it's been more of a comfort than you can know. I think I'll teach my brother how over winter break!

    Thanks again, this was really sweet.

    1. I am so sorry for missing your lovely comment. Ill health took me away from dolls for quite some time.


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