Friday 4 October 2013

Miles finds some yellow for Lewis & Hitty Moana enjoys the garden

Miles was so sorry he disappointed Lewis the other day when he boldly announced it was Dandelion day so he thought he would find some other yellow flowers to show Lewis, knowing of his fondness for anything yellow.

Some gorgeous bright yellow marigolds

Yellow cacti.


Hitty Moana is still enjoying the last of the flowers in the garden


  1. Autumn has definitely arrived, over here in Victoria...bring on the fall apples and chilly evenings...where did I put the Hitty sweaters and shawls?!

  2. Very pretty! I'm so ready for Fall.

  3. Lewis is so pleased to know he has a kindred spirit in this world! He thanks Miles with all his heart for the picture of the YELLOW flowers...and cacti! I am going to print out the pictures...Lewis size...for his homestead...if that is okay with you! Many thanks from Hittyville~~

  4. Hitty Moana looks so AmaZing in her beautiful dress with that lovely flower :)


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