Sunday, 19 August 2012

Gathering Lavender

"This lavender is wonderful" Hitty Ethel tells Hitty Patience.

"It sure smells divine doesn't it?"  Hitty Patience replies.  "It is perfect for making lavender bags and pillows"

"So relaxing at night"  Hitty Ethel comments.  "We will need to hang it up to dry out for the lavender bags and pillows, but will need to get some fresh sprigs with long stems to make the plaited/weaved Lavender posies. Can you manage the ones you have okay?"

"Just about"  Hitty Patience replies.  "Come on let's take it inside before we get anymore."

1 comment:

  1. How nice! Sounds like you all have some scented projects in the works. :o)


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