Wednesday 28 May 2014

Minutes of the Meeting held last month.

Hitty Patience Reports:

So it has been a month since the Hittys at Rose Cottage held theirYellow Hat Meeting and AGM.  Due to all the other goings on in the cottage it has taken me longer to type up these notes than I had anticipated.  

You may remember that on the agenda were the following items to discuss:

Item 1: Hats
Item 2: Tea Room
Item 3: UK Hittys
Item 4: AOB which amounted to discussing items on last year’s list:

Finish round rug
Make some Pif gifts
Make at least one item per month
Make matching dresses and yellow hats for events and meetings.

The following was discussed and agreed.

Item No. 1:  Hats.  It was agreed that it was unnecessary to have matching dresses due to the work involved, but that more yellow hats were needed, and perhaps ones of a better standard than the ‘felt crowns’.
Item No. 2:  Tea Room.  Hitty Joyful is in charge of the new Hitty Tea Rooms and is working with the help of some of thee other girls to set up a Tea Room.  Many supplies and items will be needed, so this is a long term project for the girls.  A name is also to be thought up and put to vote.

Item No. 3: UK Hitty Girls.  It was agreed that a UK Contingent of Hitty Girls would be established with founder members being the RCH (Rose Cottage Hittys) and the WCD (Wren Cottage Dolls) with an invitation going out to the ‘Not-Quite-Hitty Girls' whom our girls believe one is at least a Hitty and the other very well nearly...good enough.  Invitation to be sent….

The aims of this society are to make visitors from other countries feel welcome and to offer friendship. 

We aim to meet up once every three months as appropriate and possible depending on situations and circumstances. 

This has already got off to a good start with the Inaugural Meeting held in Brighton on 21st May 2014 with the Rose Cottage Hittys and the Wren Cottage Dolls in attendance along with guests from the USA – the Wizzy Hittys.

Item 4:  AOB.  Referring to the list from last year, we are pleased to announce that since our meeting that the round rug has been completed and is in situ in our living room.

A couple of PIF gifts have been made and sent off to a couple of ladies that we have noticed have been very generous on the HittyGirls group of late.

Quite a few items have been made in the last month, so we feel confident that we will be able to maintain making at least one item per month.

Matching dresses and hats.  As discussed in Item No. 1: Hats... it was decided that matching dresses were not required.

A couple of swaps have been taken part in and dresses were made as gifts for the UK Hitty Meet Up.

Hitty Ethel with the two dressses made for Inaugural UK Hitty Girls meet up in Brighton.

Hitty Ethel shows off the two dresses she made which were sent to Susan K and Kristen.

1 comment:

Hi welcome to our Hitty World. We love to read comments so please feel free to make one. Have a good day.